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12-9-10 Fine Arts Commission Minutes

Meeting of December 9, 2010

Chair Karen Howe called the meeting of the Fine Arts Commission to order at  7:03 p.m.

PRESENT: Regina Barall; Terrye Blackstone; Karen Howe; Glynis McKenzie; Judy Okeson;
                    John Ryan; Betty Russell; Dan Russell; Florence Schroeter; Prescille Yamamoto.

ABSENT:   Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien (excused); Roberta Sweeney; Maureen Rodgers (excused);
    Sue Tukey.

MOTION  By Florence Schroeter
                Seconded by Prescille Yamamoto
To approve the minutes of November 11, 2010.            
                Approved. (one abstention – Glynis McKenzie)

        Chair Howe thanked Vice-Chair Schroeter for presiding at last month’s meeting in her absence.
Chair Howe reported that Holiday Fest was successful and well attended.

Chair Howe reinforced the issue that some Commissioners are working diligently to bring programs into the community while others are not.  She stressed the importance of Commissioners working together to bring suggestions to the full membership.

Chair Howe discussed attendance among Commissioners and the importance of attending meetings.  Some Commissioners have not reported in over 3 months.

IV.     CORRESPONDENCE                                          
        Correspondence received:
                 - Information from the Finance Department in reference to the 2011-12 budget
                -  Singing Boys of Pennsylvania – Chair Howe will follow up on availability and cost
                -  Letter from Roger Moss thanking the Commission for the donation to Podunk Blue Grass
                -  New Britain Museum of American Art
                -  Confirmation for facility use for Commission meetings
                -  Invoice from Ray Lawhorn
John Ryan contacted photographers from New York that he has worked with to see if they would be interested in doing a seminar and exhibit their work.  

Film Series – Movie Fraulein on January 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. EHCCC
Glynis reported on the first film of the series.  She has gotten bills for the future films and is requesting that the Commission approve payment.  The Commission agreed.  Glynis will get the invoices to the clerk.
        Art – Bookbinding by Dan Russell – January 2011 – date to be determined
        No report.

Children’s Programs
Chair Howe noted that the grant for Willowbrook School was awarded. Buffa will be doing an interactive evening program at Willowbrook for students, parents and guardians.  Chair Howe will report on the date as it gets placed on the calendar.  John Ryan recommended having transportation for those parents/guardians who are unable to get to the school.  Money is not available in the budget for this recommendation.

Regina Barall reported she now has a teacher that would work with young children in a movement program.  This information will be given to Joanne LeBeau, Principal of Willowbrook.

Prescille Yamamoto discussed the issue of having children’s programs at the library.  Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien is not available to meet with library staff during the day, Prescille Yamamoto has agreed to work with the library staff to try and schedule a program in February 2011.  Chair Howe will speak with Hilde to let her know that Prescille will work with her on this sub-committee.

Chair Howe reported that the EHSYF is doing community service this month as Strolling Carolers going to various facilities.  The EHSY committee will be voting on a show selection for the 2011 event.

East Hartford Public Schools Mini-Grant
The deadline for the mini-grants is December 10.  The clerk will get the information to the sub-committee next week.  Recommendations will be made at the January meeting.

        -Grant submitted by Regina Barall
Discussion was held as to where additional monies would come from.    The programs are always well attended and successful.  The grant will encompass dance, drama, music.
MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto           
Seconded by Judith Okeson
To take additional monies from Student Music & Art Awards ($500) and
Drama/Lecture/Poetry ($500).

MOTION  By Judith Okeson
                Seconded by Dan Russell
To award the grant to Circle of Life for $2000.
Chair Howe discussed the possibility of having Drama and Music combined.

Regina Barall will investigate a drama program.

Music – Paul Bisaccia program on May 15, 2011 from 2:00-4:00 pm First Church
Florence Schroeter reported on the next event by Paul Bisaccia.

Chair Howe has contacted the Yale Whiffenpoofs.

Chair Howe will be looking into a jazz program for Black History month.

Judith Okeson wanted it noted for the record that the Paul Bisaccia Performance during Holiday Fest was well attended and enjoyed.

     VI.       OLD BUSINESS                                            None.                           
2011-12 Budget
Discussion was held on this issue.  Sub-committee chairs discussed that increases in their monies for programs are necessary.  It is extremely difficult to request an increase when all monies are not spent by May of the budget year.  Over the years, the Commission must disperse funds  in June because they were not used.
MOTION  By Glynis McKenzie
                Seconded by Judith Okeson
                To request $22543 for the 2011-2012 Fine Arts Budget.  
This will reflect zero percent increase.
                Approved (2 nays – Prescille Yamamoto, Florence Schroeter)


                        Theresa Godreau                         $   80.00
                Ken Lawhorn (Piano Tuning)              $  105.00
                        Film Series Invoices (2)                        $  750.00
                Circle of Life Grant                    $2000.00
MOTION          By Betty Russell
                        Seconded by Regina Barall
                        To pay the bills as submitted.
IX.     MEMBER’S CONCERNS                               .
        Judith Okeson requested that events and dates be identified on the minutes next to the sub-committee title.
Terry Blackstone reported that she had spoken to Mrs. Matusek, the woman who donated the dolls on display to the Commission and reported Mrs. Matusek was pleased to share the display with interested parties.

MOTION  By Prescille Yamamoto
                Seconded by Betty Russell
To adjourn the meeting at  8:28 p.m.

The next Fine Arts Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 13, 2011 at the EHCCC, 50 Chapman Place, Room 12.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa A. Godreau, Clerk